Debian 11 32 bit
Debian 11 32 bit

UEFI started life as Intel's EFI specification. See Grub2#UEFI_vs_BIOS_boot for a comparison of BIOS and UEFI boot via GRUB, the default bootloader in Debian. It's a standard specification for the firmware interface on a computer, and it has been implemented by multiple vendors on various platforms. (U)EFI stands for (Unified) Extensible Firmware Interface.

  • Firmware does not support setting boot variables.
  • Firmware has run out of space to write boot variables.
  • grub-install unable to set up boot variables.
  • Could not read EFI vars under RT kernel.
  • How to reinstall the grub-efi bootloader on Debian.
  • Support for mixed-mode systems: 64-bit system with 32-bit UEFI.
  • Force grub-efi installation to the removable media path.
  • Dual-booting systems currently installed using BIOS fallback boot.
  • Quirks, workarounds and special UEFI features in Debian and Debian-Installer.
  • efibootmgr example 3 - add a new boot entry.
  • efibootmgr example 2 - verbose display of boot entries.
  • debian 11 32 bit

    efibootmgr example 1 - display boot entries.ARM32 platform: UEFI, U-Boot, Fastboot, etc.ARM64 platform: UEFI, U-Boot, Fastboot, etc.

    Debian 11 32 bit